Teaching Associate, SoE, UoN (2021-ongoing)
As a Teaching Associate at the School of Economics, University of Nottingham, I am currently involved in tutoring and lecturing the following undergraduate and postgraduate courses:
Foundations of Economics (Lecturer, Undergraduate)
Advanced International Trade (Tutor, Undergraduate)
Macroeconomic Theory (Tutor, Postgraduate)
Economics Dissertation (Supervisor, Undergraduate)
Graduate Teaching Assistant, PhD Economics (2017-2021)
As a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the School of Economics, University of Nottingham, I have been involved in tutoring and lecturing the following undergraduate courses:
Introduction to Macroeconomics (Tutor, Undergraduate)
Politics of Economics (Tutor, Undergraduate)
Microeconometrics (Tutor, Undergraduate)
Introduction to Microeconomics (Tutor, Undergraduate)
GTA Teaching Award (2018-2019)
GTA Teaching Award (2019-2020)
GTA Teaching Award (2020-2021)